Q: Can I keep Native Bees?faq
A: Yes, for more information on Native bees, visit Aussie Bees 

Q: I would like to start keeping Bees, what is the best way to start?
A: Bee keeping can be great fun and very rewarding.  The best place to start is to find your nearest Bee Club and join.

Q: What are the advantages of being in a Bee Club?
A: Bee Keepers are a friendly bunch and they love to share their knowledge and experience.  You will also get great information from guest speakers at club meetings and learn bee-keeping practices though becoming a part of the beekeeping community.

Q: Do you need to be registered to keep a hive?
A: Yes, in Queensland it is necessary to register with DAF.  It is a simple process and can be done over the phone.  Call 13 25 23 or visit the DAF website

Q: What equipment do you need to start in beekeeping?
A: You can start with the basics such as a hive, a hive tool, smoker and don’t forget the protective clothing e.g. bee suit with veil and gloves.

Q: How do I obtain bees for my hive?
A: The simplest way is to obtaining a nucleus hive from your club, an experienced beekeeper or supplier.

Q: What risks are involved in beekeeping?
A: Some people have an allergic reaction to bee stings.   If you are unsure about this you should be tested before you begin keeping bees. Beekeeping involves some physical work and there is some risk of back injury from heavy lifting.

Q: How do I remove a bee sting?
A: Scrape off the sting with your fingernail or a hive tool.   You should avoid gripping hold of the sting to remove it as this will potentially squirt more venom into the sting site.

Q: Can I keep bees in my backyard?
A: Bees can be kept in most parts of Queensland but you should check with your local council to obtain their requirements.

Q: What time of the year is the best time to start in beekeeping?
A: Early spring when the bees start to breed and become active.

Q: What are the fundamental reasons for keeping bees?
A: Most people, (even those that do not want to keep bees), know at least two good reasons why someone would want to keep bees – pollination and honey. These are the only reasons that most beekeepers need, but if you are not sure about whether or not to give beekeeping a go, or you need to convince a reluctant spouse, here are some other benefits.

As a beekeeper, you will study the weather and learn about plants in your area because bees actively forage up to 5 kilometres from the hive. You will learn to pay attention to what plants the bees are likely to be visiting, both for pollen and nectar.

Beekeeping is one of the few hobbies that can potentially pay for itself. 1 or 2 hives in a good area for honey production can produce more honey than most families can use.

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