Apiary Supplies

waxOur club carries a limited range of apiary supplies for members only. We are happy to provide details of local suppliers (and supporters of our club) below and on our Links page for all your equipment needs.

Club Supplies include: Honey buckets, Bottles and Jars
Plastic 1kg jars are 75c each and are available in 50 or 100 jar cartons.
New 20 litre honey buckets with lids are $7.00 each.
500g glass bottles for competitions are available at $1.00 cents each.

Apithor beetle traps
The club generally has stock of beetle traps. They are available from Noela and cost of $7.00 each. If you need large numbers of these please advise Noela beforehand.
For all the above items please ring Noela 07 3281 4165.  (after 6.30pm Monday to Friday)
Please note: the above items are the only items the club stocks for resale. Other items should be sourced from apiary supply merchants.

Quality Beekeeping Supplies

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